How much information are our hands capable of receiving? Clients seek highly skilled manual therapists for their chronic pain issues. Imagine how effective your work will be when you can track and respond to inflammation, strain, and metabolic process accurately, and without force. During this workshop for manual therapists, participants can become attuned to just what clients need. Noninvasive palpation makes any bodywork modality more effective and enjoyable, and more comfortable for patients/clients. There’s no more precise and sensitive instrument than well-trained hands. This workshop will teach you how to palpate the tissues, fluids, and frequencies of the body — in its various densities — with ease and specificity. Both light and deep touch practitioners can benefit from learning how to palpate with the natural weight of relaxed and alert hands. Lecture, gentle proprioceptive movement, and sensory exploration will be balanced with plenty of practice time at the table. Come spend the weekend in the beautiful nurturing setting of Esalen with like-minded colleagues to attune your palpation to new textures and depths. Kate Mackinnon and Robyn Scherr are co-teaching this class.